Shaping Adepts into Experts
Shaping Adepts into Experts
The Alderbridge Professional Development Institute is a private training institute sponsored and funded by 135+ internationally affiliated corporations and commercial enterprises. We provide high-value professional training and certification. Since its founding in 1985, APDI has focused on upgrading the existing skill sets of industry experts to the point of professional excellence. Most of our programs' students and alumni are already highly experienced in their fields. Our programs fall under five categories. Applied Sciences, Business Management, Instruction & Education, Media Studies and Security Analytics. Because we target professionals with established skills, enrolment in a program usually involves an interview and testing process. Some interviews and tests fulfill the prerequisites for more than one program. Since 2005, enrolment is restricted to candidates nominated by senior directors on behalf of any of our affiliated sponsors. APDI is primarily a professional training institute but academic accreditation extends to many of our programs in various jurisdictions. While the training and certification provided by APDI primarily aim to serve APDI's sponsors, the skills we teach our programs' alumni have benefitted many organisations with which we share no affiliation.
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